Blue Ridge traffic??? Yeah right. We had to go to Atlanta and what is normally a 1.5 hour drive ended up taking 3.5 hours. Oh yeah, we were having fun. Good thing Mr. Man and I get along so well. Apparently yesterday just happened to be one of the worst traffic days in Atlanta history. Lucky us. Anyone who knows Atlanta will understand what it means when I say that this traffic started BEFORE we hit Canton on 575 and didn't let up at all until we hit 285. Needless to say, our cause for moving was undaunted. A couple of major arteries were completely shut down due to major accidents, other major arteries had several accidents making things extremely slow and go, there was a car fire on 400 and some bone head decided that morning rush hour in Atlanta was the perfect time to "flee" from the cops and he ended up hitting some folks and a bus and shut down another major thoroughfare. Nice.
We are so glad to be back! We visited my mom and did a bunch of shopping and went to the dentist.
One good thing about sitting in traffic is that it provides for lots of knitting time. Here's a picture of the Hey Teach progress. It's definitely moving along and this is probably more knitting than I have done on any one project in MONTHS but I still don't think I am going to make it. Overall though, I am very pleased with the project. I think I might have screwed up the neck on the back so there may be some redo on that.

Well you clearly have found the secret to getting lots of knitting done. I recommend more time stuck in traffic. :) Do you think you and Mr Man are up for it? If Atlanta isn't busy enough try rush hour in DC or LA :) That sweater will be done in no time!
How are you liking Hey, Teach? I wasn't sure if I really liked it, or if I kind of liked it... it's cute, but it's one of those garments I'm not sure if I'll ever make.
Ooooh, those traffic pictures gave me bad flashbacks!! And we will be braving those very roadways next weekend, YIKES!! :-)
Teach looks pretty - love the color.
lol, my patience so ends with traffic. i know my limitations and that is it! Hubby knows that if we are sitting in traffic to at least have a tea or coffee at the ready for me. (i am less cranky with some form of caffeine to go with the music) and yes, knitting. Hubby announced the other day that he wants to drive to reno for our anniversary this fall (12-13 hour drive...a day trip he says!) lol, i am now looking for knitting shops along the route, hey, lets have some fun, right??
Yes, i use the same type of dye that you use. LMK later if you have a warping board and i can email you some ideas for fair isle self striping yarn patterns as well. I have been knitting up some very bright experimental "dr seuss" socks as hubby calls them. I so wish i could just craft full time, and farm, lol! Enjoy your traffic free day!
Few people can appreciate the scope of Atlanta traffic, but these are the sacrifices we make to live up here in "God's country".
Atlanta traffic is fabulous for knitting- I make my husband do that part of the drive. I just cast on for Hey Teach too!
Possible knitting time in the car was actually part of my planning for where we will be visiting when we both have a week off in September. When I said to DH that Munich was good because I will have about an hour and a half of good knitting on the way, he looked at me like I had sprouted another head or something. He should know better by now.
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