I wanted a nice big cabinet to put on the covered deck to hold various items. He just has the cabinet doors left to do. Right now, it allowed us to unpack all of our liquor. Liquor that we have carted around from house to house in moves and never consumed. BUT, should we have guests, they have a wide variety of cocktails to choose from!!! We aim to please around here.............
In other news, I did a little knitting this weekend. I made a couple of dishcloths that I am planning to put in little baskets for Christmas along with homemade jams and soaps and other such cutesy items. Obviously, I have a lot more to go but at least it's a start! (Dragonfly dishcloth will not post correctly for some reason known only to Google Blogs)

I ordered some organic cotton and bamboo from Knit Picks just for this purpose. These yarns are SO SOFT and are a dream to work with. The bamboo feels like silk. I may have to go order more before you all beat me to it!

The kittens are ticked off at us again because we gave them the second set of their vaccines yesterday on the kitchen table. As for now though, they are resting comfortably keeping the newspaper warm.

Oh yeah, big Knit Witch announcement this week - stay tuned!
I hope you have mint cuz I want a nice big Mojito!
Ahh sounds like your liquor stash is comparable to ours. I will say that I did have some mixers go bad on me that way. ;) Make sure to taste it before you serve it :)
I like a wallaby darned or as we call them at my house "damned wallabies"
Keep posting well-stocked bar pics, and we'll ALL show up for cocktails one of these days!
Awww kitties! I love the dragonfly dish cloth! So pretty. I usually don't get that fancy. I pick an interesting stitch and knit an oblong! :)
I love dragonflies!!
I just wanted to come by and comment on your new and improved accessibility comment box ... but then I saw the cocktail lounge, nom nom nom ... and the yarn and the dishcloths ... and the kittens ... whole lotta nommin' goin' on!
lol, i agree. Your back deck could use a christening of mojitos...after all it is the south right?
Just set me up with a shot glass & the tequila. Hilarity will ensue.
Loved the liquor storage/bar service idea. Looks great! Cute kittens.
Your husband seems very handy. This, plus the kitchen island. Wow. It takes months for any projects like this to get done around here and you posted two in such a short time.
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