I have more but they have yet to reveal their hiding place as of yet. I also unpacked all the 45's and loaded the juke box - w00t!! Haha! Now we can play the cheese machine and listen to it while we are in the hot tub if we open the windows. I'm telling you - the fun never ends.

I have even hung some valences in the bathroom. Our bathrooms here are huge - I think you could fit all three of the bathrooms from our Tucker house into one of the bathrooms here!

Oh, and you can actually walk in the pottery room now.

Here's a before shot. I know you can't see the lovely pink and blue tile squares carpet that he had in here in this shot but trust me, it was there.
It too is getting organized slowly but surely. I'm kind of a nut about keeping a reasonably clean, reasonably organized house (my huband would say obsessive but I don't think that is really true!) so it feels SO GOOD to finally be getting at least some things in order.
so if Mr. Man gets his own pottery room, do you get your own knitting room?
nice, coming together. Love the shot glass rack...hmmmm, a project maybe i can talk the neighbor into building??!!
I love the pictures of your home. It looks like someplace I would like to live---someday!!
What a beautiful house! Can't wait to see more pics as unpacking continues.
Okay Ms Yarn Whisperer....I have a room...she has the WHOLE house!
Can I come live with you? I love your house!!
Wonderful place to spin and do your pottery.
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