These little fingers kept going down, then back up into the clouds then back down again. It was weird. Never seen that happen before. Come on my mid-west readers - chime in here and educate a Southern gal.
We had a lightening strike in the woods right across the street from our house during this storm. There was a huge flash, big boom and then the woods over there smoked for about an hour! I was glad it was raining a lot otherwise that could have been bad news. We were sitting on the deck watching the storm and it scared the bejeezus out of us!!!
Take a look at the "baby" geese!!!! They are just about ready to fly - they keep practicing.

Here's what happened when Wayne walked down there to get them off the dock - they were goose-pooing on the dock way too much!!!
Oh, and I have another before and after for ya. I finished these up the other day. As much as I loved that pink carpet (BARF) it just had to go. I'm pretty proud of myself too because I did this job from start to finish completely by myself! I figure Mr. Man has enough handyman work to do around here so I try to help as much as I can without getting injured TOO severely.

I wonder if that's what's underneath the carpet on our stairs?
(Prbably not, since our house is really new and part of a subdivision.)
The stairs are much much better without the carpet!
Attempt the French accent - purse your lips and say "Gooose poo." Really, it's funny. Ala Monty Python!
The stairs look beautiful - all those years helping MM out have sharpened your skills!
I think we need to have the "K" Gang Knitting Gang) up here for a knit-in. Hockey Mom, Katey, TurtleGirl, ESC and more. Then you can see first hand the mountain home!
The stairs are beautiful! You keep finding treasures under the trash! :)
That's quite a pic Warlock has on his profile page.
He gives hand knits a whole new definition!
Oh!!! So much prettier with the natural wood!! Looks lovely!!
You just keep on working and who knows what treasures you'll find!!
Much better without the carpet.
OOoh the stairs look wonderful!
Great job on the stairs! They are beautiful.
Real live Midwestern resident to tell you that your clouds are really cool looking, but probably not a funnel cloud. I've seen something that looks like your pictures a few times here, but the couple of funnels I've seen forming weren't so wispy.
Gorgeous work on the stairs, miss ma'am!
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