That's right, he lets the kittens nurse on him. I think he likes them, what do you think?
We had a fun and relaxing 4th of July weekend. We went to Pickin in the Park at Horseshoe Bend Park in McCayesville on Thursday night. We were lucky enough to have one of our kids, Ian, join us and he got up there with his mandolin and joined in the festivities. It was kind of funny b/c I think all these guys were thinking "oh, look at the cute youngster that probably got a mandolin for Christmas or something - we should humor him and invite him up to play". Well, he blew the socks off of them and you could see the looks on their faces that they couldn't believe how awesome he was on that thing. The kid has amazing talent. I don't know why I didn't get a movie of him playing!!

Here's some pictures of Mr. Man and I having fun on the swings:

Here's a picture of the beautiful Toccoa River which is located right beside the Pickin in the Park festivities:

On Saturday we went to the 4th of July parade in Blue Ridge. We were expecting some kind of rinky dink thing but it was a really big parade and fun too! Now I don't feel quite so bad that we missed the Gay Pride parade this year! I'll post pictures of that tomorrow.
Here are a couple of shots of the beautiful mountain laurel blooming down by our creek - wow! The pictures don't do it justice but it is so pretty!

I'm thinking those kittens are getting nowhere fast trying to nurse off of Slim.
something may be wrong with your email. I sent you several emails at the knitwitch address and I usually get a prompt "thank you for contacting knitwitch" email back but I haven't gotten any.
Ok, I sent like 3 emails to theknitwitch@gmail.com Let me know if you get them.
The kittens are too funny. Ian is such a handsome young man. I always love it when young folks surprise the pants off the older generation that way.
That cat is too funny. Be sure and tell us if he starts to lactate! And Ian sure is cute, especially up there playing with all the coots. :)
My macho male cat tries to nurse our foster kittens every time, AND he bathes them. It saves me a lot of work, and hey, he's nurturing his inner queen! I wouldn't be too worried about Slim unless he starts showing signs of going into heat!
What a kitty! Ha. I love it.
ALl great pickin pictures too
and that's what i like about the south!
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