Then there is the birds nest that has been built in our roof awning. There actually are teeny weenie baby birds now but I could never get a picture with their little heads sticking up!
And finally, the water snake we saw in our pond!!! Pretty cool, eh?
So far our wildlife count includes water snake, turtles, scorpions, honey bees, geese, songbirds, herons, bass, brim, minnows (all in our large pond) frogs, toads and about a billion tadpoles in our small pond.
We are loving it so far! I bet you guys are all wondering by now if I really even know HOW to knit since I haven't posted any knitting in so long. I simply have not had the time lately and I can't seem to get my needles, yarn, roving, wheel, patterns and body all in the same location to get anything started. My goal is to get ALL my fiber supplies up at the new place this week because I am really itching to get a project started!!
AND..........does anyone out there have a simple, free knitting pattern that they have written (for maybe a shawl or a baby blanket) that they would be willing to donate to me? I would like a pattern that has been tested by another knitter and that you have pictures of that I could include in an auction goody bag. It would be a little promotion for you and I would certainly keep your credit information intact. If you do, please email me at theknitwitch@gmail.com. I would need the pattern, a picture and (of course) your permission. It needs to be something that can be knit with alpaca yarn or an alpaca blend (wool, silk, bamboo, etc.). Thanks!!!
what a cute alpaca. I do not now, nor ever have liked snakes. Snakes are one sure thing to make me running screaming no matter how benign the snake may be. Turtles, however, I love.
I Don't Like Snakes and I cannot lie
Not a serpent-loving kind of guy
When a snake crawls round
I'm off the ground
And headed for the sky.
I think Amy might have a baby blanket that she made of her own sheer genius one time. You might want to send her an email.
the SB has strong grapefruit notes - PERFECT for summer. I wish the package stores around here stocked it! soooo yummy :)
what a cutie. You have to love that face. Love the pictures
Those wines are a trip. I especially like the picture on the Dyed in the Wool bottle. I hope your chaos settles soon and you achieve some level of organization. :)
Oh Harmony is the cutest! He (she?) has alpaca dots!
Wow a big ooooo cute for all of the pictures.
Pardon me whilst I have the heebie jeebies over the water snakes.
I am noticing a shocking lack of chickens at your new home. Please let me know when I can come up and fix that. Thank you.
I have a lace shawl I designed (with help from Barbara Walker.) It's easy to do and since I knit it myself from the directions, I'm pretty sure it's error free.
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