Here's the lot of 'em:

Yarn bowl update - We just need to glaze a fire them. I'm hoping to get them glazed tomorrow and have them done no later than Sunday. Everyone who has emailed me to be on the notification list will get an email when they are ready. We actually have two kiln loads to do so hopefully we can do one on Friday and then another on Saturday night. It's always fun to see what's in store when we open up the kiln!
Hint - if you see one you like, go ahead and get it because it is going to be a while before we will be churning out any more batches. There will be a lull for a little while.
In other news, keep your contest guesses coming!! Don't forget so that you can win a $20 gift certificate to Knit Witch!!

Glad you're back - I was starting to worry. Still loving my yarn bowl.
Where the hell have you been and what the hell have you been up to?! I think since I am excluded from the contest that you should refresh my memory about what mischief you are making. Besides, I need a pick-me-up, Steven is now on an airplane headed to Africa for 12 friggin days!!!!
You're driving me nuts!
OK, you won the lottery and you're moving your ops to a store.
You're abducting me and taking me out on a boat with my hands and feet tied with yard and throwing me into a lake or pond?
My, my, my......dosen't my husband have a vivid imagination?!?! Though, I might consider the "tie you up" part. Heh, heh, heh.......that was the evil Knit Witch laugh!!
How about you're buying a houseboat with which you'll sail down the rivers of America, selling your handmade products? A moving store, don't you know!
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