Don't read any further if you don't like ducks. Mr. Man caught some great pictures of the Hooded Mergansers that frequent our pond (though I'm sure they will be coming less frequently now that we have no fish!!). I couldn't resist sharing them with you!
Aren't they fancy?!?! There are now two pair hanging out in the pond together.
Those ducks look like they have quite the attitude!
They are so cute!
I want a pond like yours. :)
I love watching ducks. Great pics!
Awesome!!!! I hope you guys can restock your pond with fish soon!!
cute, we have a ton of ducks that hang around the ferry pier. so many varieties!
Aww! I love ducks! yours are so cute!
They're LOVELY! Think they'd give me the number of their stylist?
How beautiful. Ducks are wonderful and you are so lucky to have a pond and live where you do. This is my first posting (actually my first blog), and I haven't read much of yours. I don't know where you live, but it looks so much like Seattle or somewhere else in the Northwest. What a gorgeous place to live, if you do.
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