Friday we are taking the Alpaca fleece to Georgia Mountain Fiber for processing. They have been so wonderful over the phone and invited us to call and let them know we were coming so that they could show us through the place and show us some of their products. We are both really looking forward to it!! We did a rudimentary weigh in today and figured we probably have about 30# of fleece. I'm sure we'll be going to visit our friends in Elijay and then stopping by dad's to hang out at the farm for a while afterwards. Then Saturday we go pick up the spinning wheel. I had a dream last night that Wayne was teaching me to spin!! That must be a good omen.
I have been looking through the Spin Off magazine that we got a Knitch a few days ago. Wow! What a great and informative magazine! I ordered a subscription for Wayne! Yesterday we ended up at Michael's because I needed to buy some cheapie wool. Wayne asked me if I needed a basket and I said no that I just needed two balls of wool. Well............$107 later..............he got me a basket. To go with the two baskets that I bought and also filled with yarn. DAMN! Why does that happen?!?!
IF YOUR NAME IS TIANA STOP READING NOW!!! Thank you for stopping by.................
Nathan, my son, mentioned to me that Tiana, his girlfriend, was running out of space for her yarn. Huh?? I've never heard of such a problem!!!! Right..............anyway so he said that she needs baskets for her yarn. Soooooooo - I got her two baskets for Christmas. However, I couldn't resist the temptation to fill one of them with yarn and goodies so she really is only getting one storage vessicle out of the deal. I LOVE having a knitter to shop for for Christmas!! That has never happened before! It's so easy!

IF YOUR NAME IS MOM (my mom specifically) STOP READING NOW!!!! Thank you for stopping by..........................
So my mom is getting socks since she claims that you can't get anything USEFUL from knitting. Well, I'll show her!!! She's gonna LOVE 'EM and be begging me for another pair for mother's day!!! :) I think "low key" is best for her when talking about socks so I figured I better have a low key sock design since the yarn is kinda busy. I am just doing some subtle cable types around it.
WIP - obviously....................

Well, I guess I had plenty to type afterall. Hmmmm......what a surprise.......
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