We got some fall decorations for the front.
Everything I do is under the watchful eye of Ponce as you can see.

Hey! I don't think a single one of them was over $3! You can always use bags, right??
Remember that pic of Mr. Man I promised you modeling my crochet hat? Well, here it is.......

That's right, just the hat. Typical. See that wad of green yarn in the background? Ponce did that when we first got him. I yelled at him big time and then the next day we took him to be neutered. He hasn't touched a ball of yarn since.
I was going to try to wind it but it is beyond help. For some reason I simply can't bring myself to get rid of it...........seriously, I think I have a problem (or two).
Now your stash looks organized. I love putting things in boxes!
did you tell your man that he does not have to be naked EVERY time he models something for you? ;)
He is too funny! And, if you're organizing, come on over to my place baby - I need organizing!
I recently bought a whole bunch of containers and did some semi-organization to my stash. It takes up a pantry size closet and two shelves in the basement. I should probably write in my will who gets what in my stash, who gets my needles, etc in the event of my untimely demise.
I did find my elusive book. It slid behind something in the room it was supposed to be in.
I don't know that the dark red is Mr. Man's color. I think he should try a royal blue or maybe a sage green.
Is Mr. Man by any chance a retired military person? He just has that look.
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