Here's what it looked like to start out with. This is Paco. Actually, the hair is already off but use your imagination here..............

Here's what it looked like when we brought it home. This is Paco's dirty hair.

Here's some pics of hubby working on it (pay no attention to the many bottles of wine on the counter). This is Paco's clean hair.

Here's what the first batch looks like. This is just Paco's leg stuff. We wanted to start with the "not so good stuff" in case we screwed it up. We haven't broken into the "good stuff" bag yet.

Oh yeah, and we bought a spinning wheel. We are going to TN to pick it up next weekend. Here is what it looks like.

This morning when we woke up we were talking about what we wanted/needed to do for the day. I told him I wanted to go by Michael's and pick up some yarn because I didn't have enough to finish a project. He started laughing uncontrolably. He was like "What do you mean you don't have ENOUGH?!?! For God's sake woman I couldn't even find a place to SIT the other day because there was yarn everywhere!!". So I patiently waited for him to finish his fit of hysterics and explained to him that I did not have the right KIND of yarn. I need the yarn to finish some swatches for some sample work I am doing and I want to use CHEAP yarn - not good yarn!! Well, he didn't exactly relent but he eventually stopped laughing......
We bought 48 oz of alpaca/wool roving to learn on for $81 on ebay. Is that a good price??? Seemed pretty good to us so we went for it. So, Hockey Mom if you are reading this, we are ready for lessons REAL soon!!!!
I'm reading.....;-)
I am so friggin jealous. And btw, Wayne is slowly but surely becoming a celeb amongst the non-knitting as wel as the knitting. Some co-workers of mine pulled up your blog at work and were showing everybody Wayne's infamous picture. So... he's everywhere now! Now, of course, when administration finds out that my coworkers have been surfing "soft porn" on the net at work they may no longer be my coworkers!
Funny, I had the site pulled up at my hospital yesterday too and the crazy co-workers were looking at it!! I keep waiting for my site to get "Super Scouted" like most other sites do at work.
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