Sounds simple, right? Well that's what I thought but until you actually sit down to do it you don't necessarily realize what a challenge it is until you figure it out. Now, I have increased before ribbing, I have increased after ribbing and I have increased around ribbing - no problem. But I had yet to increase IN ribbing until yesterday.
I decided to sit down and start this cute little baby sweater that is all knit in 3x3 ribbing. Now, even though I realize that the sweater is not a square, it didn't really dawn on me that I would be increasing IN the ribbing (believe me I see the irony in just telling you that the WHOLE thing is in 3x3 ribbing). I knew I was in trouble when I got to row 5 and had to rip out. So, I thought, no problem. I'll just go look it up. Well lemme tell you something - not ONE single person in ANY of the knitting books that I have (and I have many) discuss how to increase in ribbing!!! Now what the hell is wrong with that??? These people are supposed to be teaching me! So, fine. I went to look it up online. I'm not kidding you when I say that the most helpful thing I read was "It's not hard, just keep knitting your pattern and add in the increases". Please explain to me HOW you keep a 3x3 ribbing pattern AND increase 2 stitches in your row. Oh, and like most knitters, I don't increase on the ends.
I thought, really I am smart. I have a bachelor's degree and 2 master's degrees, surely I can figure this out. So, I thought and I thought (while husband quickly recognized 'the look' and brought wine - he really is so wonderful) and this is what I came up with. I don't know if this is the "correct" way but it is working so see what you think and PLEASE let me know if you have any light to shed on this process.
The pattern says 3x3 ribbing throughout - increase one stitch on each end every 4 rows 13 times. So I did this, if the row started out k3, p3 I did this: p1, k1, m1, k1, p3 then k3, p3 to the last 3 stitches then I did k1, m1, k1, p1. So basically I just change the 1st and last stitch of the row to the opposite of what it was. Does that make sense? Anyone else out there do it this way??
Now, on the other side of the sweater I will be DECREASING the sleeve.......hmmmmmmm.......I'm taking bids now for how to "correctly" do this. Anyway, here's the sleeve so far - it's in the latest issue of Knit Simple. Minty don't ya think?

my brain is still a bit thick. I've done the increase in the ribbing before, but can't remember precicely how I did it.
I tried to look at some of your other pics besides the ones you sent me and it kept trying to send me to flickr. I couldn't find your account. I did see some other knitwitch, but the couple didn't look a thing like you and your husband. So, like, what's the link to see your other pics?
When you increase in ribbing you put the increase at the very end or beginning of the row, assuming you're not making a slipped-stitch selvedge. If you are, you put it just inside the selvedge. The selvedge will make it look better, by the way.
I know that they usually say to put increases in a stitch or two, not right at the edge, but that doesn't work as nicely for ribbing.
Ack! I'm having the same problem only with increases in a K2 P2 rib. Horrible! I don't want to knit it flat as that necessitates the horrible seaming, but trying to do this in the round is a nightmare. Sigh. I wish there was an easier way...
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