These two hang out around here pretty often. I believe that this is a brother and sister pair and I think their mom got killed several months ago, unfortunately, because there used to be 3. We saw the dead deer (not sure what happened to it) but we weren't sure which one it was.
Luckily, they haven't discovered our gardens yet but it is probably just a matter of time. Petey must be getting used to them because he was just sitting out on the porch watching them!
It's so nice and relaxing to have wild life living in your yard. With all the growth around our town the critters have just about disappeared, we have lots of cotton-tails, but no more coyotes. :( But just a day after you posted about the baby opossums we had an opossum strolling down the alley back of our house. At first it looked like a HUGE hunch-back cat (it was dark out) but when I turned the lights on him/her the question about identity was answered. I bet it weighed in over 20 pounds. Now I'm waiting on the raccoons and hopefully the coyotes will follow shortly.
nice on the deer, we have not seen any new rabbits since stalker kitty brought (and dined upon) the two, but the coyotes have been out nightly as well as the raccoons. Had 3 deer run along side of us the other day.
how go the baby critters?
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