Here is our brand new, fancy, state-of-the-art horse manure pile for our garden. YAY!!

We did that last week. Luckily, there was someone at the stables with a tractor that loaded it into the truck for us but it was all shovels getting it out. What a work out!
Then, since we had such a good time with that, we decided to take a ride to Blairsville yesterday to buy a truckload of mushroom compost for the gardens too. Again, luckily they loaded it for us. We came home with this: (It may appear that Petey is helping but he actually is not - not even a little).

And then about 20 sweaty minutes later we had this:

We did all of this after we had already gone to the gym. I was dog tired last night!
I am very excited about these! This year we will have some "real" dirt for our gardens and a good start to a "proper" compost pile. All of our composting worms that we bought at SAFF two years ago are now super happy and living in the manure pile. We'll move some of that dirt (with the worms) into a pile, mix it with some of the mushroom compost and start a proper composting pile. We'll be able to add our chicken manure and straw to that pile too so watch out for some giant tomatoes from the Knit Witch camp!!!
Hey, had I known you wanted horse poo, I could have given you a pasture full!
And they add more every day.
Good job!
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