Honestly, I never thought I would be so darn excited about chickens. We were so excited to finally be able to go pick them up! And it's no wonder - they are hilarious! They warmed up to their new digs quite quickly. They aren't as afraid of us as I thought they would be either. Petey, is quite fascinated and can just sit by the pen for hours and watch them. The cats could care less about them really, which is good. However, once we start letting them roam around during the day when they get bigger, that will probably change. We picked up 8 hens. Four of them are White Laced Wing Wyandotts and 4 of them are Black Sex-Links (they are a cross between a Rhode Island Red and a Barred Rock). The Sex-links are the black and brown ones.
Here's what they looked like when we picked them up - don't they look like Happy Meals??

Here's a few of them making their escape to the Chicken Ritz in Blue Ridge, GA.

Here's the lot of them in the chicken coop before we went out and got their straw.

Close up!

They have been eating and drinking great and they have just been so much fun! Here's a few shots from day 2.

They are so cute! Congrats on all your new babies! :)
How cool! Chickens!!
Congrats! You are now a small chicken farmer. ;0) We have had chickens for almost two years and I have never regretted it. Be forwarned though....eating eggs out will never be the same for you now. The eggs your girls will give you will be so flavorful all other eggs will be tasteless. Good luck and have fun.
Man, that's soooooo cool!
I want, I want, I want!
*wonders if the hoa would kick me out of the property for having a chicken coop*
(yes, they would, rats!)
I'm so jealous! I can't wait until we get to where we can have chickens. We always had them when I was little, and I don't think I will be truly home again until I have some more.
They're amazing!! And the coop too! Can I just say how immensely JEALOUS!!!! I am??? Enjoy the eggs and the relaxing clucking of your new brood!
Chickens are great!
sweet!! Lol, sick though of the happy meals. I so almost had hubby ready for the chickens, then i found 6 raccoons literally playing on our back deck sunday morning at 6 am....
You made me feel like I was WAY behind on your blog! Only a day, that's not too bad. Your new chickens are so cute. Enjoy them!
They are so big already! Your coop is wonderful. You will enjoy them and their fresh eggs.
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