We looked around and never could find anything so we figured the bear came by, grabbed our one bag of trash that was in there and took it back to the lair for further investigation.
Well, then Wayne went up behind our garden shed and found this on our property behind our garden.

Now, the only thing that makes trash strewn out all over your yard even better is when you start cleaning it up and realize that it isn't even your trash! I'm looking at the trash and I tell Wayne "uh, that's NOT our trash!" he was like "really?" so I went on asking him when was the last time we bought potato chips? Fast food? Juice boxes? Frozen pizza? We never buy that kind of stuff. So, we hadn't found our trash but we found someone elses! We figure the bear must be some kind of trash conniseur or something, right? Mixing and matching trash from different places until he finds what he wants.
Well, as you can see, we had a bunch of mess to clean up. That isn't even half of it - there is more up higher on the hill that you can't see in this picture. A nice long line of trash. So, we get to work. About 3 piles in I find our trash with all the familiar things in it. So, ok - one mystery solved. Then we figured out that the rest of the trash belonged to our neighbor (all the junk food was from her family that had been visiting over Thanksgiving). So, now we are trying to figure out why the bear would take trash from her place and bring it WAY over to our place to go through it - seems kind of weird, right? It's a pretty long way from her garage to our backyard garden. Then it hits us...............
Liz does not live here full time. Consequently, she does not pay for trash service here - she usually just brings her trash back to Atlanta with her since there isn't much just being her. We tell her all the time though if she had something that she does not want to haul back - just drop it in our outdoor trash cans and we'll take it down with ours. So, that must have been what she did. NOW it all makes sense! We don't generally have a lot of trash because we recycle and compost so I can't imagine that our trash is really all that interesting to a bear. Usually it's just one bag a week and most of it is probably animal hair that I sweep up everyday during the week!! But, the fast food and chip bags and frozen pizza remnants must have been pretty exciting.
I guess we will start keeping our outdoor trash in the shed now - gotta love life in the country.
Have a great weekend! We are supposed to get snow all weekend - we'll see! Here's a cute picture of Missy. She got into the bubble wrap box - she is always getting into everything!!

My BIL has a home near Lake Tahoe, and his subdivision requires bear-proof trash boxes. It amounts to a large box that is raised about four feet, with a latch on the front. The can(s) fit inside, and it's kept locked, except for the morning of trash pickup. Actually, I like the way it looks, and it makes the curb sides much neater, too. On the other hand, you always have to remember to unlock and relock the darn box.
Funny but not funny for you as far as clean up love the photos what a cute kitty:)Hugs Darcy
Do you have any idea where the bear could be living? Somewhere very near to your garden shed perhaps? We had friends in New Mexico that were unaware that they had bears living under their deck. The deck was only 2-3 feet off the ground.
What a mess to clean up! I forgot how much fun bears are for trash, gardens, and inground pools! Better to be redistributing garbage than tearing a hole in a pool liner when it falls it? Or worse, coming near you, hubby or pets. Here's to hoping it still doesn't notice those 2nd floor bird feeders.....
It doesn't happen very often around here, but I do have bears and raccoons that get into my trash cans from time to time. They make a big mess alright!
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