This is a mural painted on a market in Key West at Schooner Wharf.

This is some art on the lawn of the Key West Art Museum (Wayne is real, the other guys are not).

This is a huge Banyan tree. This is the second largest one in the country. The largest is in Hawaii I believe. This is only about 1/4 of the tree!!

Here is us watching the sunset one night from the rooftop of our hotel.

OK - I think I can stop talking about vacation now. Lemme tell ya - we had a great time but it sure was GREAT to get back home. We missed our nice cool mountain air, our beautiful mountains and all of our lush vegetation (not to mention our pets). I like to visit Florida but I don't think I could ever live there - it is just TOO HOT. As much as I complain about winter, I really appreciate it's purpose and all the things that go along with winter - snuggling, knitting, fires in the fireplace, homemade soup, hot chocolate, etc.
love the pictures! glad you had a good vacation! :)
Great pictures! That's especially a great one of you. I'm surprised Mr. Man didn't lose the clothes to fit in with the photo of the art. BTW, Just wanted to wish you and all of your readers a Happy Gandhi's birthday. Go do a random act of kindness for your fellow man in honor of this man's birthday and his quest for peace and nonviolence.
I could live there.... I'd just knit cotton all the time.
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