This is the "thisisageorgiatechscarfnotapittsburghsteelersscarf". I just sort of made up the pattern as I went along. I did the entire scarf in 2x2 ribbing and did the yellow stripes in probably 8 rows and 12 rows or something like that. I'm not entirely happy with the bind off edge - I really should have done a sewn bind off. But, for something that is going to live in a dorm room and go to GT games to get beer spilled on it I just really wasn't all that worried about it.

Over the weekend we went to go visit my dad in Atlanta. We hadn't been there in a while so I figured we had better get out there for a visit! Going to my dad's is always a lot of fun. He is getting ready to do a huge renovation on his house. He has a farm with a little farm house on it that is about 100 years old. The house is very cute and nice as he has done a ton of work to it but it is really small - like 5 rooms small! He has been wanting to do an addition practically since he moved there (about 10 years ago) so I'm really glad to see him move forward with finally doing it. They are just about ready to get started. Here is the back of the house as it looks right now.

You know, the Steelers open the season on sunday. This scarf is good timing.
Actually, the game is Thursday night!! Go Steelers! I wanna make that scarf for my Steelers fan!
all for a steelers scarf go steelers
lol, good to know it's not a steelers scarf! smile
love the farm house and glad to hear he's just adjusting the home's plans and not tearing it down like so many folks do.
Your Dad's house remodel sounds like a fun adventure.
Of course that's a Georgia Tech scarf. How could it be anything but???? Looks great, too.
"I'm a ramblin' wreck from Georgia Tech, a heck of an engineer"
Great scarf! My parents both graduated from Oglethorpe, so they would say it's an Oglethorpe scarf. lol
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