Here are some interesting facts for you:
- 1.1 billion people in the world have no access to clean water (that's 1 in 6 people).
- If we divided all the freshwater among all the people we could allot about 2.5 gallons/person/day. The average person in the US currently uses 300-400 gallons/day.
- Our planet is 70% water - of that 70%, 97.5% of that is saltwater leaving us to divide the remaining 2.5% of freshwater.
- Many communities must have wells in order to access underground aquifers for clean water
- Unsafe water and lack of basic sanitation cause 80% of all sickness and disease, and kill more people every year than all forms of violence, including war.
- Many people in the developing world, usually women and children, walk more than three hours every day to fetch water that is likely to make them sick. Those hours are crucial, preventing many from working or attending school. Additionally, collecting water puts them at greater risk of sexual harassment and assault.
- Children are especially vulnerable to the consequences of unsafe water. Of the 42,000 deaths that occur every week from unsafe water and a lack of basic sanitation, 90% are children under 5 years old.
Wayne and I have been struggling and looking for a charity to support with Knit Witch. We want to support something that is worthwhile, does good, is necessary and has a reputable mission and goal. There are so many things that we are passionate about that we will probably end up supporting different organizations in different ways. But, no matter what we think about, it all comes back to one thing - water. You have to have water to do anything so that is where we have decided to start. We already run BRAEA and Smaller Footprint and we do work for our local Humane Society so we are reaching out a little more globally this time.
This morning, Knit Witch donated $50 to Charity: Water. I know that isn't a whole lot but it is enough to give 2 people in Africa clean drinking water for 20 years. Here's why we have decided to support this charity:
- Water is the basis for all life as we know it and necessary to support hygienic conditions, medical aid, growing food, raising animals, environmental issues, human rights issues, animals rights issues - pretty much everything.
- This charity uses 100% of donations for their field work as their administrative costs are funded by other means. If you donate, even the paypal fee is funded via their private donor money specifically used for administrative costs - therefore 100% of your money actually goes to building clean water sources. You can read more about this HERE.
- This non-profit works to support other non-profits already working in the field. In other words, they use resources that already exist, organizations who are already familiar with the people, the needs and the language and they work to support people who are passionate about helping others - information on this is HERE
- They have amazing documentation of their work HERE
- They have great information about their organization and their mission HERE
So, why am I telling you all of this? Because I know that knitters are a generous, caring bunch of people. No one knows better that great things are built one little step at a time repeated over and over and over again. The Yarn Harlot supports Doctors Without Borders - another wonderful organization that provides another thing that I am passionate about - health care for those who need it. She has inspired me to give to this cause as I am sure many of you have done as well. Charity: Water gives us knitters another way to make the world a better place.
Knit Witch's Goal = $5,000 - don't you think we can achieve this in order to provide clean drinking water for 500 underprivileged people? I do. I started it off with $50. I don't care if you donate $5 or $500 - whatever you can afford helps. If you skip your morning Starbucks coffee tomorrow you can send that $5 as a donation instead. Send me an email to and let me know how much you donated so that I can keep track of our total - or - you can leave a comment on the blog. I'm keeping track of the progress over on the right hand side of the blog.
Everyone who donates will be entered in a drawing and we will draw some names for prizes. The first drawing will be on October 1st and I'll let you know the prize when I figure it out. If you blog about what we are doing and link to this post I'll give you an extra entry into the pot. Just email me and let me know that you did it -
Let's do this. Let's make a difference in the world around us. Let's make a difference in the life of someone who is less fortunate than ourselves. Let's share our resources. Let's show the world that knitters are the most amazing group of people in the world who can come together to create good in the world.
Here is a picture that I took in our garden yesterday morning. This beautiful flower certainly wouldn't be here without life sustaining water............

What an excellent charity! I just donated $10.
I just added another $50. Thank you for bringing such a good cause to our attention. I'm going to hijack your post to my blog after I take Bean to school.
What an amazing cause! I will donate as soon as I can. :)
You guys are amazing. I love that you feel so deeply for others who are less fortunate than us. Sherry and I will certainly dig up some money as we can and donate. Thanks for doing the research.
Brilliant! Thanks for a great post!
Sharon AKA Needlegrrl
I saw this on Turtlegirl's blog, and I just donated too. Add $50 from me to the tally. I'm blogging about it too. Any way to get the word out!
I came here from Turtlegirl's blog - I donated $20. What a wonderful cause to support!
I just added $10 to the pot. This is such a big issue, one I've tried to impress upon people for years. Thanks for getting it more attention. It takes so little to use less water! Wear clothes more than once, turn off the water while shaving your legs in the shower or brushing your teeth at the sink, water your plants with leftover drinking water...when you commit to it, you start to see all sorts of ways. Thanks.
Thanks for the link to an excellent charity. I donated $10.
I just came from Turtlegirl's blog; thank you for bringing this to our attention!
I just donated $20.
Another $10 for the pot. Thank you for letting us know.
What a great cause. I've donated $10.
Another $10.00 for clean water. Wish it could have been more. A better wish would be that clean water was available for all, without having to raise funds for it.
I just popped over from Turtlegirl, excellent post. 25 years ago when the bottom fell out of the Oil Business that both our families had been in for generations my hubby started looking for a more reliable job. He knew there would always be a need for water. And now our 23 year old son is in the business too. Hubby does Ultra Pure water treatment for businesses, the son works in desalinization and hopes to move to the Caribbean to help people us sea water for consumption and agriculture. We have been involved in this charity for a good while. When we help 3rd World Countries with the basics we help our selves.
+100$ ;P
i was going to get mehself a new knitting bag and some needles with the extra august salary
think i'll knit happily with the old trusty ones
thanks a lot for pointing this excellent project out!
and now i'll get myself a glass of water and be thankful that i'm able to do so.
I just donated $50.
What a wonderful idea and a very worthwhile cause. I'm happy to be a part of this.
I could only help with US$10 but am glad to support a great cause. Kate (Western Australia)
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