When the whole story broke about him several years ago Wayne and I wrote several letters to the NFL saying that he needed to GO. Why in the world would we support someone who had committed such atrocities? I don't care who he is. Why would we let the kids who look up to him think that this was no big deal? I don't understand this. Yes, I know that he spent his time in prison but in my mind, that in no way makes up for his mistreatment and slaughter of innocent animals. No one who is a real "man" or real person for that matter would commit the acts that he has committed. It is seriously disturbing to me that ANYONE can treat another living creature like that. Just because you are rich and famous does not give you the right to just do whatever the hell you want to do no matter who suffers from it. There is something seriously wrong with anyone who thinks that sort of treatment of animals is ok. I'm not convinced that sort of internal evil is subject to rehabilitation.
You all know me and know that I am a serious football fan. I am thinking about whether I want to support the NFL at all this year though. Animal cruelty is way up high on my list of things that repulse me. I think a vast majority of people could never even come close to doing the things that he has done.
Besides my general feelings of disgust for this "person" (I certainly won't call him a man), I have a soft spot in my heart for pit bulls. The last dog we had was a pit and he was the BEST dog we could have ever asked for. He was a total love sponge. We got him because someone pushed him out of the cab of a truck right in front of us on the road. Nice. I'm sure because he wouldn't fight. He had a big chain and padlock around his neck and was obviously not fed well or taken care of. However, I sure am glad we picked him up because he added so much joy to our lives.
So, I boycott the damn Philadelphia Eagles in honor of our very good friend - Ponce. I can't even tell you how much I miss this dog - I am crying right now as I look through these pictures to post them for you

I'm with you.
and i'm with you too... grrrr to them...
Can I join in on the loathing? I totally agree that cruelty to animals is one of the worst crimes in the world, possibly the only equally evil is child abuse, imo.
I know how you feel about your sweet dog, I lost my first cat about a year ago, and I still cry almost every week. There is always something to remind me, and then I start again... You just have to remind yourself that even though the death was painful, his life made up for it. I know I wouldn't trade the few years I had with Gizmo (the cat) for anything.
See you on Ravelry, I just posted in your group (and now I seriously have to go to bed, it's after midnight and I have plans to visit my local LYS tomorrow before noon at least).
/ Jenny
I don't know why there seems to be a different set of rules for "celebreties". I think that letting him back in the NFL is a horrible example for kids. Not only was his crime abhorable, the fact that he's allowed back in just reinforces to kids that you commit some heinous crime and still come out on top.
I was born in Philly -but never lived there...Yet, I always supported the Eagles. NOT ANY MORE!
I think we all need to send some letters...
I almost choke when I think of how our culture has sold it's soul to athletes. I'm in Charlotte where Ray Carruth murdered his girl friend, another Panther was murdered by his wife and others are known for drinking, driving and just raising hell. Yet people pay a fortune to attend the games and cheer these guys on. Few spend any time praising good teachers, supporting elderly who once gave tirelessly to the community, or mentoring young teens who have little or no family. The sports world turns life time suspensions into one missed game. In high school, I saw 15 year olds allowed to do anything they wanted because they could pass a football. I just want to scream sometimes and I'll join your boycott.
That's disgusting! I had not heard that they'd let him back in. I'm a baseball fan, not football, so my boycotting doesn't mean anyting but still!
Love Ponce. He's a cutie.
i am so with you on this. When they gave the lil quip to keep you watching on the local news the other night i was so afraid they were going to say our local team had gone and signed him. I think it is ridiculous. Then in an interview with him he tried to be so remorseful.....BS!! When we lived in the islands we did not even have scratch tickets as a form of "gambling" so you did have cock fights and dog fights on occassion. They were quickly shut down and the people seriously punished. This guy was barely slapped on the back of his hand. Enjoy your weekend B, still so jealous of the new barn!
*Hugs* from a fellow Pitty owner.
as a Phila local I can tell you I'm totally disgusted about this and will not wear or let my son wear Eagles gear till this is over or maybe never
I completely agree with you. He got off way to light and I cannot believe the NFL reinstated him. I am not a big football fan, but still...have some ethics people!
Yeah... I don't know what point the NFL is trying to make, but I'm missing it!
I love your pictures of your puppers! I have a good friend who is on a one woman crusade to save the PitBulls! They are funny, whenever she brings them over, I play music and they dance for me! They are the only breed that I have seen that can keep a beat!
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