Sunday AM we got up at my mom's house and had breakfast. Then we headed over to Publix to buy a birthday cake (Publix has the BEST cakes!) and then started our journey to Rome, GA for the day to visit the other side of the family. It only took us about an hour to get there. We met up with my dad and aunt (we were celebrating both of their birthdays), my cousin, her husband and their two kids and my son and his girlfriend. We had a great time playing cards and just goofing off.

Even though we lost (again) we still had a lot of fun. It's always nice to be able to get a bunch of us together. Here's the loot that Nathan and Tiana went home with - oh yeah - we play for the big bucks around here!

Publix really DOES have the best cakes. Their chocolate cake with chocolate fudge icing is a favorite in my house.
Heh. I lost pretty dismally in cards this weekend. It was sad. ;)
I want a Publix cake.
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