We were fortunate enough to get another wholesale order. This time from
Needle Nook in Atlanta. I am so excited about all of it because I think it turned out great. We are going there to deliver it to the shop today since we have to make a trip to buy more clay anyway. Here is what it looks like. There are several of each color but it wouldn't all fit in one picture! These are all 75% Merino/25% Nylon sock yarns.
Arlene (who owns Needle Nook) also wanted a fish bowl. Here is how it turned out. I love it! I hope she will like it.
So if you live in the Atlanta area and stop by Needle Nook - pet the Knit Witch yarns for me!
Have fun with your delivery! It must feel wonderful to get wholesale orders :D
Wow. I would gladly pet the yarns for you, if I could! Congrats on the order! And the fish bowl is awesome!
I love these colors!!
Simply gorgeous, dahling. Love the fish.
OOH you make me drool! Beautiful yarn! Beautiful bowl!
I will gladly stop by and pet the yarns at my first opportunity. They are sooooo...beautiful.
Your yarns look great! Love the colors.
I loooooovvvveee the fish bowls! How would they travel to Canada though?
I could snuggle up in all that yarn lol I am a yarn petter lol haa haa..I LOVE to touch yarn.... and I LOVEEEEEE your yarn bowl I love the ones with faces and animals LOVE LOVE them :)
I love your yarn and the yarn bowls.
What beautiful colors! and love the yarn bowl
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