Here is the reunited pair. What a great picture, eh?

Plus one of the granddaughters:

We walked to downtown Blue Ridge (we almost killed Taryn). It does make you feel kinda good though when a walk that is nothing to you almost kills an 11 year old. Wayne had to get our picture in front of the backhoe. Notice that I am the shortest person in the picture (yes, shorter than the 11 year old). Also, if you look closely, you can see that Wayne cut off about 7 inches of my hair the other day!!

We went to Lake Blue Ridge and the Blue Ridge Dam.

We went to the Toccoa River.

We made a yummy pizza dinner and watched the movie "Changling". Holy cow that movie is intense - very well done but intense.
Barbara is a really great person and we really enjoyed having both her and Taryn for the day. We just had an all around great time! Thanks girls for coming to visit us!! We are so glad you are a part of our family!
Love your yarns.
How awesome! Welcome Barbara and Taryn!
what a wonderful day!
It sounds like a lot of fun. :-)
Sounds like you had a great time. :)
looks like a great reunion B!
That is so great that you all finally met up. Wanted to say how I love all your goodies that you sell.
How wonderful! And, the weather was even great, to help make the day more enjoyable!
Hey--what a really great website and blog you have!
It sounds like the reunion went very well! You can totally tell that she is her father's daughter in the eyes & the smile.
Ditto what Turtlegirl76 said. There is a family resemblance! Looks like you had a great visit.
Came by for a visit. Saw that you watched Changeling. I just saw it recently, too, and loved it, and YES, very intense!
Love your yarns and those yarn bowls! Great job! :D
Hooray for reunions! That movie was wonderful. I love Angelina. That is all.
Love your pictures makes me with I was back in Kentucky where my Grandma and Grandpa use to live... Or even in NC where we vacationed...looked like you all had a ball~!
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