I did the first one on "Mira". It was ok but I needed to pull the yarn a little tighter at the yarn overs I think. I will probably frog this heel and re-knit it so that the holes are smaller. I also want to add just a little length to the foot anyways. So - to the pond it goes.
On the "Winter Solstice" socks I think I did a better job. The holes are much smaller and the fabric is more dense. I like this method. It sure beats picking up those stinkin' wraps. It sure makes me feel old when I can't see them to pick them up!
So, have I been living in the dark ages by knitting my short row heels with wraps or something??
I saw a pattern with short row heels with yarn overs about 6 months ago and had to try it so I added it to the socks I was knitting at the time - I really liked it because (like you) I sometimes have trouble seeing the wraps to pick them up. I can also say that the heels in my socks are holding up beautifully!!
I will have to check out that article. :)
would love to try that, i hate srap overs on short rows,,,prob why my first toe up sock still sits unfinished!
Interesting, do you have a link to that Cast On about the short row?
I haven't knit that many socks so I'm no expert but I would like to try this someday.
I'll have to check that out, too, after I finish the pair I'm working on now. I used wraps, and didn't enjoy them, so another method could be just the thing.
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