I have almost all of the swatches complete. The only one I have left is the color swatch and the only reason I haven't done that one yet is because I don't have any yarn that is the right blend and color. Shocking I know. The colors have to be light with no heathering or varigation. So, I have the last swatch, the hat, the remaining questions and the paper yet to go. My goal is to be DONE by the end of February and ready to send it all off. I may re-do a swatch or two depending on how they look when I go over them again.
Heather kinda scared me about the seed stitch one so I may end up doing that one - UGH!!!!!
Here are the latest swatches blocking. I'm wondering if my "cable of choice" swatch is too similar to the required cable swatch. It was kind of difficult for me to find one that matched all the specifications. Heather???? What do you think O Master of the Masters Program??
Wow! You're doing a phenomenal job chugging through that. I became completely disillusioned on the rib swatches. I really should try again.
i think they look good, nice and clean!
I plan on starting the beginners next month, it looks so interesting and fulfilling to see the different steps to completion.
Nah, your cable of choice is perfectly fine. Go girl! I'm so proud of you!
You are doing a fabulous job. The cables all look distinctly different from here.
Beautiful! tell me, what do you use swatches for after you are finished with them?
Are you doing the Master Knitter thing? HOLY CRAP! if you are.
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