I guess with all of the wildlife highs there are bound to be some lows. We found one of our big bass dead in the pond on Monday. We were so sad. We had two huge bass and now I guess we are just down to one. We need to find a place to buy a couple more. Anyway, we fished him out because we wanted to see if anything was obviously wrong with him and we wanted to see how big he really was - we never really got to see them up close as they always hung around near the bottom of the pond. We didn't see anything obviously wrong with him - so I don't know what the cause of death was - poor guy...............he will definitely be missed!!
I wonder what the life span of a bass is. Maybe it died of old age?
He is a big one. Poor guy probably couldn't take the cold.
Poor thing! Either the cold or age got him. Sorry for your loss.
I would love to sit on your porch and look at the wildlife!
(look at my blog. I have a wildlife picture to! lol)
Sorry to hear this. It is sad. Are the other fish OK? Could there possibly be something polluting the pond and hurting the fish?
well, the cold, maybe a bit of that "holiday depression"....mr bass RIP
Oh, gosh. That is sad, were they a pair, like male and female, to produce more?I hope the other fishy is ok.
Awwww, I'm sorry. :(
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