We also had our former neighbors in Tucker come for a visit. They have two kids and the older one seems to really miss us as neighbors amazingly enough! She had such a good time here and made a big fuss when it was time to leave. We don't miss Atlanta but we sure do miss having this great family for our neighbors!! I did manage to pull it together enough to get a few pictures of them.

It was a really fun weekend. Obviously, Leo had a great time. He LOVES kids - mostly because they drop a lot of food on the floor I think. Man, when you don't have small children in the house you forget how much work they are! It's no wonder that moms with small children are constantly exhausted!!
Looks like a fun weekend. I will believe your story even if you don't have any photos to back it up. Of course I would have to, I don't have any photos to back up my weekend. :)
Argh, I know exactly what you mean about picture taking. When Barbara was here, I barely got any pics of the visit. poor thing, she got sick before heading back to America, so she didn't get to come visit us again before leaving.
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