On Friday the weather was pretty miserable. It was cold and rainy. Even though we were outside in the sales arena we still got a lot of traffic. We really were not sure what to expect since this was our first year but we did better than we expected so we were excited!!!! We saw a couple of alpacas.........

Worked the booth - we are such a GREAT team!!:

Then on Saturday the weather was beautiful and we did a BUNCH of business! Lots of people stopped by the booth to introduce themselves and we saw lots of friends that we hadn't seen in a while. We had SO MUCH FUN!!!!

And Claudia just happened to win the Knit Witch raffle prize!!! Congratulations Claudia! I will post pictures of all the "loot" tomorrow.

What a ham eh?

We had dinner with The Sheep Guys, Sandy, Claudia, Regan, Grace, Jane and Kat (who incidentally neutered our dog - well the neutering wasn't incidental, you know what I mean). I hope I'm not leaving anyone out!

Then there were the "Sheep Guys". Famous Steve, Lou, Doug and Stuart.

At the end of the day Saturday we got together with the Atlanta crowd at a Thai Restaurant. Before that though, Cristi and JP came to our hotel and we got started with the festivities before dinner! We had a great time. I can tell you right now that the 4 of us are a dangerous (yet wildly amusing) combination.

At the end of the day Saturday we got together with the Atlanta crowd at a Thai Restaurant. Before that though, Cristi and JP came to our hotel and we got started with the festivities before dinner! We had a great time. I can tell you right now that the 4 of us are a dangerous (yet wildly amusing) combination.

What a ham eh?

We had dinner with The Sheep Guys, Sandy, Claudia, Regan, Grace, Jane and Kat (who incidentally neutered our dog - well the neutering wasn't incidental, you know what I mean). I hope I'm not leaving anyone out!

OK - I think that is enough pictures for one day. More tomorrow!!
I got to feed those alpacas!
Looks like such a blast! Some day when I am independently wealthy or retired I will travel around to all these yarn festivals. :)
I love the sheep hats and that blue sweater is beautiful. Great photos.
How fun!!!
Hey, Mr. Man has his clothes on! How did you manage that?
I am so jealous that you got to hang with those cute alpacas.
i want to play with the alpacas chins! Cute sheep guy hats! looks like a fun time. Hey, are those canvas knit witch bags??
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