I like these projects because they are extreemly portable, pretty darn quick, and each one teaches me about a new stitch. So, 7 down, 56 more to go!!!
On another note, we have discovered downloadable movies from Netflix. Anyone else out there tried those?! They are great!!! Since we have no tv right now (and are totally missing out on what is going on with American Idol) we decided to try Netflix movies on the laptop. It's perfect! We drag the laptop to the bedroom, prop it up on a few pillows and lie back and watch the show. Thank goodness for our wireless DSL set up! YAY!
The alpacas got sheared yesterday, which I am sure they are none too happy about since it went down to freaking freazing here in freaking April!! I gotta try to get out there this weekend and snap some pictures of them in all their nudeness.
BTW - Remember when I posted about when Harmony was born? Remember her??

Well, shearing teaches one a great many things. Yesterday, shearing taught us that SHE is actually a HE!!!! Oh well, he is still cute as the dickens don't ya think?? We have a miniature horse due any minute now. I can't wait! This was her last baby:

How cute! It's like My Little Pony but for real.
Harmony, the effeminate alpaca. That's a new concept. lol.
Harmony is a he - huh...funny how things sometimes surprise you. Hope to hear good news on the new pony that is due...
lol at poor Harmony, talk about an identity complex this past year! So sweet though, the animals. I grew up on a farm and married a city boy, i swear if I get my way in the next 6 years we will have some farm animals again! Lol. Good luck with the wee horse!
Very sweet, I like the blanket squares also. I made one like similar to that to gift, but I like your colors better.
Poor confused alpaca. I'm sure he's saying " This'll teach you for calling me a girl for the last year."
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