I have been spinning, though. I'm not even using much foul language now so I think it is going better (and YES Jane I am predrafting like a good girl). This is bobbin number 2. I'm going to finish this one then ply my two bobbins together and THEN I'm going to start on that fun roving I got from Knitch! I can't wait!

And I have been working on this:

More alpaca surprise yarn! One skein of it has already sold! I have a few of the skeins up on the Etsy site but haven't quite gotten it up on the knitwitch site yet. We just need to build a page for it but poor Mr. Man has been working his butt off on yarn bowls lately. And, we had a suggestion/request for spindle bowls as well so we will be getting some of those into the next kiln load also. I love this yarn though. It is so soft and so fun and unpredictable.
I made balls from 2 of the alpaca skeins (yeah only like 300 more to go!) - these are Onyx and Sterling. Mr. Man complained the whole time he held the skeins for me to wind saying that he would be so embarrased if his "army buddies" saw him doing this. Whatever.......I told him to just get over it and hold the skein.

Oh, and I bought new yarn from WEBS for the master's program. I actually didn't have any 100% wool in my stash that was inexpensive enough for me to use for swatches. So, sale yarn at WEBS - then I can re-start my swatches.......geeez........
Mexican food date with Mr. Man tonight - yippee!!!!!
I need to knit one up for show and tell. I was thinking about a drop stitch scarf - any other suggestions for stuff that would look cool????
The alpaca surprise yarn is really quite lovely. The boy has a bit of a love affair with alpaca yarn...how do those look knit up?
(Sorry for the delete, I can't type...and typos drive me bonkers)
I have been told that Mabels scarf is a good one for mystery yarns (http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/mabels-scarf). I bet anything with that kind of alternating stitch would look great.
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