I know this has nothing to do with knitting but we went to see John Mayer last night at Philips Arena and he was GREAT! I took some videos but I can't seem to get them saved in a format that will allow me to post them, so I guess no videos for you guys. We had a really fun time and had box seats which always makes a concert way more fun! We got there early and enjoyed all the free food, beer and wine. There were six of us - My husband, my son Nathan, his girlfriend Tiana, my husband's ex-wife Sue, his son Ian and myself. We had a blast despite Sue's craziness driving and getting lost and almost running out of gas, etc.......but it was FUN and John is an amazing guitar player. Ian and Nathan are both excellent guitar players so I knew they would enjoy it. You can check out some of Ian's music on his myspace page
Well, since I don't have any video to share with you, here's a John Mayer picture at least.....
John Mayer is a one sexy dude.
No flashy props. no naked dancing girls. Just pure talent and great stage presence. It was truly an amazing performance! Thank you for the wonderful birthday present Knit Witch! I love you!
Are you going to SAFF? And if you are, are you taking the Knitch bus up?
Good for people to know.
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